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Description of Unit

In this task, students will explore how leading researchers are using mathematics to understand the roots of complex problems such as “phantom traffic jams”—traffic congestion that suddenly appears on a roadway with no apparent cause (i.e., no observable accident, stalled vehicle, or other obstacle in a lane such as construction). Students investigate the connections between mathematics, science, and real-world problems in engineering and urban planning. At the conclusion of the task, students research a location in the community known for traffic congestion. Students identify the possible variables in the system such as the number of vehicles using the road during both high- and low-usage times, the types of vehicles, number of traffic signals and intersections, the timings and coordination of traffic signals, and the roadway’s carrying capacity. Students present their research findings using accurate mathematical vocabulary and suggest possible solutions for alleviating the traffic issues in the area studied.

This guide links the Traffic Jam unit to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for high school students. Traffic Jam is a mathematics unit that allows students to study traffic patterns and analyze data using mathematical models. Traffic Jam also has interdisciplinary connections to science and social studies disciplines. For example, in order to conduct research in this task, the student must know and apply the laws governing motion in a variety of situations, as outlined in the Physics TEKS. Students also have opportunities to analyze the impact of technology and human modifications on the physical environment, as described in the Social Studies TEKS. The following document includes the applicable TEKS and the details of the Traffic Jam unit. The final section of this document presents the applicable Texas College and Career Readiness Standards adopted by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) on January 24, 2008.

Phase I. Learning Experiences

  1. Introduce students to the concept of using mathematics to model and explore problems in the real world. Read news articles and press releases highlighting research from leading mathematicians at MIT, Temple, and the University of Alberta who are using mathematics to investigate the causes for “phantom traffic jams”—jams that seem to occur without an obvious cause such as an accident, construction, or stalled vehicle. View the MIT article here:
  2. Discuss the article and introduce students to some of the mathematics concepts behind the research. How are mathematical tools used to study such phenomena? What are some of the intersections students observe between mathematics, engineering, and science? 
  3. Experiment with the equation in the article from Wired. Using data from area roads, what does the equation tell you about the amount of traffic density needed for a jam to occur? 
  4. Ask students to view the traffic wave simulations, charts, and graphics on the project’s web page at MIT (Note: to play many of these videos, the computer must be able to open .avi files in the DIXX format. The videos of cars driving on the circular road further down the page should play in any browser). 
  5. The researchers in the traffic project noticed the patterns of traffic jams were similar to the dynamics of explosions. What are some students’ hypotheses as to why this might be the case? Ask students to read this article and form small groups to examine the "backward traveling wave" in traffic jams. In what ways are the sudden occurrences of traffic snarls similar to the backwards-travelling wave in an explosion? What might be some ways to lessen the impact of these traveling waves of traffic? 
  6. Ask students to conduct Internet research on companies working to monitor, predict, and eventually lessen traffic congestion. For instance, students may wish to read an article about companies such as Inrix Inc. Inrix uses GPS devices, cellphone data, and sensors in highways to track vehicle usage of thousands of miles of roadways. The company can feed this data into algorithms, and send real-time information to navigational devices, news, web, and traffic reporting services. Visit the company’s web page to learn more. 
  7. Recently, the Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) released the 2015 Urban Mobility Report, combining national research on traffic problems across the nation. TTI makes the data for 101 urban areas available as an Excel spreadsheet for other researchers. Ask students to use this information to analyze how much time they might spend in traffic making typical commutes in some of these urban areas. How much personal productivity would the student predict is lost in traffic snarls? Students should create graphs and charts to compare the worst cities. How do these data compare to information for the local area (if available)?  
  8. Read an article detailing work by Rutgers University-Camden mathematician, Benedetto Piccoli, who is using mathematics to study traffic problems. Near the end of the article, Piccoli talks about advances in “infomobility.” What are some possible examples he might be referring to? What sorts of future devices can you imagine that could help predict—or even better, prevent— the formation of traffic on roadways? For instance, how might “phantom traffic jams” become obsolete if robots did the driving?
  9. In the MIT research, the mathematicians and scientists noticed similarities between traffic, water flow, and explosion patterns—what a casual observer might see as three seemingly unrelated phenomena. What might be some other situations you can observe in human-engineered scenarios or in nature that might mimic traffic jams (e.g., computer circuits, runners at the start of marathon races, ocean currents moving through undersea caverns)? Ask students to brainstorm examples and then narrow down choices to phenomena that scientists might be able to study using mathematics, physics, and technology. For an additional source on how scientists have thought about traffic, likening it to other types of phenomena, visit the Washington Post Archives for the article, Lab Studying Science Behind Traffic Patterns

Phase II. Independent Research

A. Research process

  1. Selecting a topic. Depending upon interests, students select one roadway or intersection in the local community on which to conduct an in-depth traffic analysis.
  2. Depending upon the topic selected, students should develop 3-5 questions to guide their research proposals. Such questions might include:
    • What is the capacity of this roadway?
    • What is the density of vehicles when traffic begins to form?
    • What municipalities or transit agencies oversee the maintenance of this roadway?
    • What sort of usage fees—such as tolls— are there for this roadway?
    • What obstacles, traffic signals, or chronic construction exist in the area that might inhibit traffic flow?
    • Describe the geometry of the intersections on the roadway.
    • What is the timing on the lights and in what ways are the signals coordinated with other traffic signals nearby?
    • During what times of day do traffic jams occur in this area?
    • What are some hypotheses about the causes of the traffic?
    • In what ways might the traffic congestion be due to wave-like patterns as demonstrated in the MIT research? What might be some of the possible causes for slowdowns?
    • How might traffic be alleviated during peak times?
  3. Creating a research proposal. In the research proposal, the student should identify several key components such as:
    • the location of the roadway or intersection
    • the time of day they plan to conduct observations and gather data
    • a list of possible secondary sources for background literature research
    • a description of the type of data they plan to collect such as number of vehicles per minute, number of vehicles grouped by type (e.g., number of axles, or truck versus car bodies)
    • a listing of names or position titles for candidates for interviews and/or focus groups
    • a hypothesis explaining the student’s initial thoughts on the traffic problem at the location
    • a research plan including a timeline, an explanation of the student’s proposed data gathering methods, a technology/materials list (e.g., hand-tally counters, cameras, measuring tools, timers, GPS devices, compasses, graph paper), and (if applicable) a budget for materials and supplies.
  4. Conducting the research. Students collaborate with local transportation officials, librarians, parents/guardians, and/or the teacher to conduct observations during both low-and high-traffic time periods. Students gather data from literature, previous traffic studies, as well as through observation and/or interviews and focus groups. Additionally, depending upon student interest, students may choose to make a model of the location either in 3-D (such as with cardboard or foamcore) or using technology.
  5. Sharing findings. Students will present their research through multimedia presentations that include images, charts, graphics, and summaries of the quantitative and qualitative data. Students should describe their findings and make recommendations as if they were presenting the information to city transportation planners, area transportation commission members, and/or city council members.

B. The product

Each student will develop a multimedia presentation that

  • describes the problem roadway or intersection,
  • details the research the student conducted,
  • presents the student’s analysis of both quantitative and qualitative data using accurate mathematical vocabulary terms, and
  • lists recommendations for the city or transportation planning board to implement to alleviate the problem.

C. Communication

Each student should present his/her findings using multimedia presentation software (e.g. Keynote, PowerPoint, Adobe PDF). The presentations should identify the problem, convey the research findings, and posit solutions in a manner that is of a professional-quality, visually cohesive, and compelling. Each presentation should allow time for an impromptu Q&A session. Students should accurately use mathematical vocabulary, standard units, signs, graphs, and equations.

D. A completed project consists of:

  1. The research proposal
  2. Research notes, photos and videos of the location, interview and/or focus group notes/recordings, models (if applicable), charts, graphs
  3. Multimedia presentation file (e.g., PowerPoint, Keynote, Adobe Acrobat PDF)
  4. A bibliography of cited sources
  5. Video or audio of the presentation and Q&A session 
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